PPL training - Solo to the training area 2
| 2 minutes read, 222 wordsThe weather was good, and the next lesson on the plan was the second solo to the training area. The limited opening hours and daylight got me a bit stressed, so I forgot a couple things (nothing critical). But things went much smoother once I got in the air and could focus on flying.

Just as last time, I set course for Skjold training area. This time to practice steep turns and some other maneuvers.

Flying around in circles I couldn’t help but wonder what the people on the ground thought about me. Someone must have noticed?

I still had some less than ideal steep turns, but I also had some good ones - so I’m improving on those as well!
After flying around in circles long enough, I returned to Karmøy for some more training in the traffic circuit.

I got to enjoy the sunset today as well, which is my favorite part of flying this time of the year.

I’m pleased with my 6 landings today. Still have a lot left to learn, but I’m much more confident in my abilities now.

When it got dark enough, I called it a day and parked the airplane. The sunset was extremely colorful, too bad the GoPro was focused on the inside of the airplane.

The sunset seen from the parking