Wednesday March 31st, 2021
| 1 minute read
| 1 comment
Welcome to
Welcome to, my general aviation blog!
I use this space to share my experiences during my PPL training, collect and share interesting aviation stuff, and anything else I think can be useful to others.
Some posts are written in English and some in Norwegian, depending on the content and target audience. I share my personal view and experience, do not mistake any content here as training.
I’m currently working on adding more content, and hope to be able to post my entire PPL training before the end of the summer.
Tuesday March 16th, 2021
| 6 minutes read
My first flight as a private pilot - ENNO-ENHD
My first flight as a private pilot, bringing LN-HOG back from ENNO to ENHD after service/yearly. Had to take the long way around the coast due to low clouds in the mountains. Cloud along the way also meant I couldn’t go as high as I wanted to.
Monday March 8th, 2021
| 3 minutes read
My PPL Journey - A summary
During the summer of 2020, when everything else got cancelled, I started working towards my life-long dream of obtaining my private pilot license. This is a summary of what I did.
Sunday March 7th, 2021
| 3 minutes read
PPL training - Skill test
Getting the skill test done turned out to take a bit longer time than I would like. The weather wasn’t the best, LN-HOG was in for it’s annual check, the airport had really bad opening hours, and I had to switch examiner. I eventually just decided that it wasn’t worth waiting for the perfect oportunity anymore, so I decided to drive down to Sola instead. This meant that I had to use an unfamiliar airplane, and fly from a much larger airport (which I still didn’t know as good as I know Karmøy). But it was time to just get this done now!
Friday February 12th, 2021
| 2 minutes read
PPL training - School check
Today is the day. The day I’m (hopefully) going to finish the training for my PPL(A). After doing the final preparation lesson on the way down to Sola, it’s time to do the school check!
Friday February 12th, 2021
| 1 minute read
PPL training - Preparation for school check
Today is the day. The day I’m (hopefully) going to finish the training for my PPL(A). The plan is to fly down to Sola, doing the preparation for the school check along the way down, and then hopefully complete the school check.
Sunday February 7th, 2021
| 5 minutes read
PPL training - Solo navigation 2
It’s unusually cold outside now, but we also got clear skies! So with the longer opening hours today (being a Sunday), this was the perfect day for the second and final solo navigation/cross country flight! This time I had to do a full stop landing on two other airports. In addition to this, I needed 3 hours of solo navigation time. So I spent the day yesterday planning a route from Karmøy to Sola followed by a long sightseeing route from Sola to Flesland.
Friday February 5th, 2021
| 1 minute read
PPL training - Custom lesson - Crosswind landings
There was a lot of crosswind when I started working on the basic maneuvers, but almost none when I was working on my landings. So I needed more training on crosswind landings.
Tuesday February 2nd, 2021
| 3 minutes read
PPL training - Solo navigation 1
With okay weather, daylight, suitable opening hours, and an instructor that could sign my solo endorsement - everything as ready for my first solo navigation/cross country flight.
Saturday January 16th, 2021
| 3 minutes read
PPL training - Navigation 3 - Stage check
The third stage check was the navigation stage check. As with the other two, I needed another instructor for this check. It took a total of four tries to make this lesson happen. In the end, I had to travel to Sola and rent one of their airplanes.