PPL training - Landings 5
| 1 minute read, 187 wordsThe starter motor on the aircraft failed shortly after the previous lesson, and it took a couple weeks to get it replaced. This meant that I had to go almost a month before I could do the next lesson. In the meantime I kept myself busy with the theory, and managed to pass the first four theory exams (Communications, Air law and ATC procedures, Human performance, and Operational procedures).

After what felt like an eternity, the airplane was finally ready again - and it was time for another hour in the pattern.

The weather was actually really nice, and it was a great feeling to get back in the airplane again! There was some traffic today, but nothing that affected us.

We managed to do a total of 17 landings, including both power cuts and another “the impossible turn”.

I was expecting some issues getting back into this after four weeks on the ground, but besides from still landing a bit left of the center line, and some struggling to maintain the proper speed during “the impossible turn”, this turned out to be a great lesson!