LimaNovember.Aero is hosted as a static page on CloudFlare Pages, this means that we generally don’t collect any personal data from you. We will never track you, follow you across sites, sell your information/actions to 3rd-parties, or serve you personalized ads. Your information is safe from us, because we simply don’t want it!
There is one exception, and that is if you decide to leave a comment. The comment will be submitted to our code repository in GitHub. If you leave your email address only a hash of it will be transmitted and stored, this hash is only used to get your avatar from Gravatar.
This is a personal hobby site, with no intention for monetization. The goal is simply to share personal experiences, and hopefully inspire future aviators.
We use CloudFlare both to host and optimize the delivery of LimaNovember.Aero. CloudFlare may place a cookie on your computer, __cf_bm, which is used to detect bots. This cookie does not contain personal information, and cannot be used to track you.
CloudFlare may temporarily store information about your visit, including information about your browser and your IP-address. This information is used to detect and prevent malicious activity. This is normal and usually done by every single hosting provider.
You can read more about CloudFlare in their own Privacy Policy.
We use CloudFlare Web Analytics, a privacy first analytics tool. No personal data is collected, and you are not being tracked like you would be with many other analytics tools. This also means that we don’t store any tracking cookies in your browser, isn’t that great?
Other 3rd-parties
When you follow links to other sites they may track you. When playing or opening YouTube-videos you may also be tracked by YouTube/Google.